Be aware of the impacts of daylight savings on your level of drowsiness.

10 Oct Be aware of the impacts of daylight savings on your level of drowsiness.

Recently the clocks wound forward in some states when daylight savings started last Sunday. Some research has shown there is a rise in accidents in the 24hours immediately following the change.

Those living in states with daylight savings have probably already adjusted, and are settling in to a routine of effectively waking an hour earlier than they were used to. However some things you can do if you don’t live with daylight savings and plan to travel across the border from QLD to NSW for example.
Try to get a bit more sleep in the 24 hour period before hand and be mindful of staying up late drinking or partying.

Get outside in the daylight as soon as you can just as if you were traveling into a new time zone on a flight. Daylight supresses’ melatonin levels which cause sleepiness and helps to adjust the natural body clock.

Generally we adapt in a matter of days and the small change in time typically doesn’t have too much of an effect.