Issue 53: TSGQ News – April/May 2016
- A 30 minute, but not a 10 minute, night-time nap is associated with sleep inertia
- Maxillomandibular volume influences the relationship between weight-loss and improvement in obstructive sleep apnoea
- A recent study finds that older men are at a 1.8-fold increased risk of stroke due to overnight hypoxemia
- Patient Education Combined in a Music and Habit-Forming Intervention for Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway (CPAP) Prescribed for Sleep Apnea
- Relationships between fractional exhaled nitric oxide levels and FEF25%–75% in children with asthma
Issue 52: TSGQ News – March 2016
- How much sleep is normal: Optimize your health with 7 hours of sleep or more each night
- Hungry for Sleep: A role for endocannibinoids?
- Cerebral haemodynamics is altered in patients with sleep apnoea/hypopnea syndrome
- Nitric Oxide and the paranasal sinuses: NO testing is an essential accompaniment to spirometry
Issue 51: TSGQ News – January/February 2016
- 20 Ways to Start The Day Happier
- Don’t worry, be happy: just go to bed earlier
- Study links irregular sleep schedules to adverse metabolic health in women
- Statins might prevent vascular inflammation in sleep apnoea
- Blood eosinophils and inhaled corticosteriods/long acting beta 2-agonist efficacy in COPD
Issue 51: TSGQ News – August 2015
- The Sleep Anpoea cardioVascular Endpoints (SAVE) Trial: Rationale, Ethics, Design and Progress
- Trajectories of Sleep Quality and Associations with Mood during the Perinatal Period
- Surgical Therapies in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Association between Peripheral Airway Function and Neutrophilic Inflammation in Asthma
Issue 50: TSGQ News – July 2015
- Recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult
- Risk of cardiovascular disease associated with Restless Leg syndrome (RLS)
- Increased Carbonic Anhydrase Activity Associated with Sleep Apnoea Severity and Related Hypoxemia and what this Could Mean for Eye Health
- VNN1 Gene could serve as a biomarker for response to corticosteriods in childhood asthma
Issue 49: TSGQ News – June 2015
- Natural history and management of paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea – Emerging concepts
- Neurobehavioural functioning in adolescents with and without obesity and obstructive sleep apnoea
- Decreased regional cerebral perfusion in moderate-severe obstructive sleep apnoea during wakefulness
- A randomized controlled trial of vitamin E and selenium on rate of decline in lung function
Issue 48: TSGQ News – April 2015
- Quality-adjusted life-years gain and health status after one year of CPAP therapy
- Chronic sleep fragmentation induces hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum stress, leading to Metabolic Syndrome
- Sleep apnoea and the risk of chronic kidney disease: A nationwide population-based cohort study
- Causes of childhood community-acquired pneumonia
Issue 47: TSGQ News – December 2014
- Sleep apnoea may threaten fertility in men
- Link between insomnia and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents
- Synchronizing education to adolescent biology
- Lung regeneration mechanism discovered
- Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disordered breathing in hospitals cardiac patients reduces readmission rates
- Oropharyngeal exercise as a treatment for obstructive sleepe apnoea
- Looking at the heritability of craniofacial structures in normal subjects and patients with sleep apnoea and how to determine patients at risk of developing OSA
- Scientists trigger self-destruct switch in lung cancer cells
Issue 45: TSGQ News – October 2014
- The cost of diagnosing and treating Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- The effect of Sleep Disordered Breathing on Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack Patient Outcomes
- Sleep myths, What are the facts?
- MicroRNA mimicry blocks Pulmonary Fibrosis
Issue 44: TSGQ News – September 2014
- Association of severe OSA and elevated BP despite antihypertensive medication use
- Warning signs of OSA
- National trends in outpatient visits in the USA for insomnia, apnoea and sleep medications
- Confusional arousals
- Increased severity of respiratory infections associated with elevated anti-LPS IgG2 which inhibits serum bactericidal killing
Issue 43: TSGQ News – August 2014
- Sleep duration and age related changes in brain structure and cognitive performance
- Stress and insomnia
- Correlation between obstructive sleep apnoea and erectile dysfunction
- The impact of the provision of home based sleep studies in Australia
- Innate immunity in the lung regulates the development of asthma
Issue 42: TSGQ News – July 2014
- CPAP treatment in patients with Parkinson Disease and obstructive sleep apnoea
- Immune function and sleep
- Can treating obstructive sleep apnoea in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease result in improved cognitive function?
- Vitamin E-rich oils linked to lung inflammation
Issue 41: TSGQ News – June 2014
- How can CPAP support impact a patient’s life?
- Long term effect of weight loss on obstructive sleep apnoea severity in obese patients with type II diabetes mellitus
- Fatigue managment in the defence force
- Hospital maternal deaths linked to sleep apnoea
- Researchers discover molecule that could treat allergen induced asthma
Issue 40: TSGQ News – May 2014
- The link between obstructive sleep apnoea severity and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
- An updated review: Sleep disturbances and defence force members
- REM Behaviour Disorder may be a warning sign for Parkinson Disease
- The Pla protease of yersinia pestis degrades Fas ligand to manipulate cell death and inflammation
Issue 39: TSGQ News – April 2014
- Long-Term Success of OSA Therapies
- An introduction to vascular dementia
- The difference between Home Based Sleep Studies (HBSS) and In-Lab Studies
- Sleep deprivation and aging induce pancreatic unfolded protein response: metabolic implications
- New research links body clocks to chronic lung diseases
Issue 38: TSGQ News – March 2014
- Association between neurocognitive deterioration in physiologically hyper aroused primary insomnia patients
- Genetic risk of depressive symptoms is influenced by sleep duration
- Hypnotherapy: A poorly understood therapy for affective disorders
- An update of just how good exercise is for your sleep!
- Woman and Sleep Apnea
- ERS/ATS guidelines on the management of severe asthma
Issue 37: TSGQ News – February 2014
- Pharmacological possibility for the treatment of OSA
- Serum Uric Acid as a predictor of mortality and futur exacerbations of COPD
- Effects of Quetiapine on sleep architecture: Growing concerns over harmful adverse events
- Broad-spectrum antimocrobial therapy found to be equally as effective in treating childhood pneumonia
- Pregnancy and sleep disorders
Issue 36: TSGQ News – December 2013
- How to screen for sleep studies studies Part 2: The Mallampati Scoring System and Obesity
- Increasing CVD epidemic
- Sleep moderates metabolism
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is strongly associated with productive infection by herpesvirus
Issue 35: TSGQ News – November 2013
- Is CPAP worth it?
- Reversibility of brain injury in OSA
- Helping psychiatric patients with OSA
- Can Stem Cells be Used to Generate New Lungs?
Issue 34: TSGQ News – October 2013
- Special on Lung cancer: part 4
- Early detection may slow the progression of atherosclerotic disease
- Hypoxia is a predictor of erectile dysfunction
- Helping psychiatric patients with OSA
Issue 33: TSGQ News – September 2013
- Special on Lung cancer: part 3
- Night shift might contribute to cancer
- Humans Used to Have a ‘1st’ Then ‘2nd’ Sleep
- OSA and the eye
- Sleep disorders as a prelude for Alzheimers
Issue 32: TSGQ News – August 2013
- Special on Lung cancer: part 2
- Cephalometry: The effectiveness of craniofacial measurements in predicting OSA
- Rigorous documentation of the link between insulin resistance and circadian disruption
- Erectile Dysfunction Related To Sleep Apnea May Persist, But Is Treatable
Issue 31: TSGQ News – July 2013
- Special on Lung cancer: part 1
- A review of sleep related movements disorders
- Opinion on cause of obesity influences BMI
- New information on contributors to cardiogenic lung oedema
- OSA may contribute to poor control of asthma
Issue 30: TSGQ News – June 2013
- Circadian Rhythm Determination
- Tobacco Statistics 2013
- Humans Used to Have a ‘1st’ Then ‘2nd’ Sleep
- Prednisolone Induces Changes in Gene Expression in Asthma Patients
- How to Screen for Sleep Studies – Part 1
Issue 29: TSGQ News – May 2013
- Vitamin D and Sleep Disturbance
- Less pollution related deaths from Nuclear fuel
- Hypocretin – the secret to happiness?
- Cardio-pulmonary Exercise Testing explained
Issue 28: TSGQ News – April 2013
- Driving tired is like driving drunk
- High Dose Vitamin D to treat RTI’s
- A New Vision From the ERS
- Provent to Prevent SDB?
Issue 27: TSGQ News – March 2013
- Non-CPAP, non-surgical therapies for OSA
- Influenza Season 2013
- ‘ISR’ treatment for chronic insomnia
- The US Approves New Treatment for Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
Issue 26: TSGQ News – February 2013
- Surgical therapies in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of lung cancer related death by 1000%
- Boosting sleep slows ‘memory rot’
- New Tuberculosis vaccine not effective in infants
- Senior pilots less suited to long-haul flights
Issue 25: TSGQ News – January 2013
- Dentists can screen for OSA
- Summer heat wave affecting sleep quality and productivity
- World Cancer Day 2013
- Attitudes to smoking cessation
Issue 24: TSGQ News – December 2012
- A cure for jetlag?
- What exactly can we learn in sleep?
- Diazepam Suppresses Central Sleep Apnoea in Rats
- Rapid risk assessment of obstructive sleep apnoea in the primary care setting
- Stress-related Insomnia. How effective are herbal remedies?
- What effects does smoking have on the mind?
Issue 23: TSGQ News – November 2012
- New links between OSA and cardiac diseases
- A review of sleep monitoring devices
- Paradoxical insomnia
- Sleep disorders and pregnancy
- Interpreting Spirometry
Issue 22: TSGQ News – September 2012
- Post operative complications in patients with OSA
- The impact of sleep disorders on PTSD
- Trans-oral robotic surgery
- Nasal APAP and associated obstructive sleep apnoea symptoms
- Pollution and respiratory health
Issue 21: TSGQ News – August 2012
- Practice Parameters for the treatment of RLS and PLMD
- Sleep, Cognition and Caffeine
- Insomnia is a predictor for depression development
- To nap or not to nap?
- How light pollution affects your sleep
- Disparities in end of life care for COPD patients
Issue 20: TSGQ News – June/July 2012
- Sleep apnoea and athletes
- Stress Down Day
- Suvorexant and its effects on insomnia
- The cardiovascular effects of OSA
- OSA and the link to pro-inflammatory markers
- Injectable O2
Issue 19: TSGQ News – May 2012
- World Parkinsons Day
- Sleeping disorders and weight gain
- Cognitive behavioural approaches to the treatment of insomnia
- Insulin resistance and OSA in women with PCOS
- How does a sleep physician consultation affect CPAP compliance
- Revised national medical standards for driver licensing
- Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: Prognostic impact of follow-up assessments
Issue 18: TSGQ News – April Easter Special 2012
- World Parkinsons Day
- Sleeping disorders and weight gain
- Cognitive behavioural approaches to the treatment of insomnia
- Insulin resistance and OSA in women with PCOS
- How does a sleep physician consultation affect CPAP compliance
- Revised national medical standards for driver licensing
- Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: Prognostic impact of follow-up assessments
Issue 17: TSGQ News – March 2012
- Sleep Disturbance and Suicide
- OSA and Diabetes
- Co-morbities of Insomnia
- The Effects of Epilepsy on Sleep
- Organic Dust inhalation
- Wine and FVC function
Issue 16: TSGQ News – February 2012
- Occupational screening programs needed for safety critial occupations
- Asperger’s Syndrome and sleep
- Hypoglossial nerve stimalation as an alternative to CPAP
Issue 15: TSGQ News – November 2011
- Alzheimer’s And Sleep
- Emerging Epigenetic Research In The Development Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Metabolic Consequences Of Sleep Deprivation
- Recognising the Symptoms of Sleepiness
- 8 tips to Better Manage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Issue 14: TSGQ News – October 2011
- Latest Asthma, COPD and OSA Statistics
- Brisbane to Gold Coast Cycle Challenge for Diabetes and Heart Health
- World Habitat Day
- The Cancer Council’s “Girls Night In” October
- Suicide Prevention Day
Issue 13: TSGQ News – September 2011
- World Heart Day
- International Day of Peace – 5 tips for better sleep
- Sleep Disorders and Suicide
- Developments for Monitoring and Control of Asthma in Adolescents
- National Stroke Week
- Why is it important for me to treat my obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)?
Issue 12: TSGQ News – August 2011
- The Link Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Increased Bone Resorpotion in Men
- New Developments in Lung Cancer Research
- Childhood Disorders that have Adult Consequences
- Our Education Teams for your Medical Practice
- Why is it important for me to treat my Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)?
Issue 11: TSGQ News – July 2011
- Sleep Apnoea – Lav vs Home Testing
- Sleep and Anxiety
- Sleep Disorders and Anxiety
- Increased Immunity to Colds makes Asthma Worse
- 6 Tips for Helping Your Patients Cope With CPAP
Issue 10: TSGQ News – June 2011
- Tax Deductions with new CPAP Machines
- Go Red For Women
- Men’s Health Week
- World Environment Day
Issue 9: TSGQ News – May 2011
- Depression and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
- World Asthma Day
- Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Our Education Teams for your Medical Practice
- A healthy heart and a healthy sleep
- How do I adjust my Humidifier for Winter?
Issue 8: TSGQ News – April 2011
- World Day for Work Health and Safety
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- The Carbon Footprint and your Medical Practice
- Our Education Teams for your Medical Practice
- Electronic Forms for your practice
- How do I care for my CPAP devices filter?
Issue 7: TSGQ News – March 2011
- Sleep Apnoea and Eye Disease
- Sleep Apnoea and Seizures
- Leukemia and Lung Infections
Issue 6: TSGQ News – February 2011
- ‘Organic Toxic Dust Syndrome’ after the QLD Floods
- World Cancer Day and Lung Cancer Screening
- World Diabetes Day
- How will you be able to perform a sleep study on me if I don’t sleep?
Issue 5: TSGQ News – Best of 2010
- Sleep Deprivation and Depression
- Melatonin Therapy for Insomnia
- Sleep and Driving
- Pulmonary Function and Diabetes
Issue 4: TSGQ News – December 2010
- Insomnia and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Melatonin Therapy for Insomnia
- Tart Cherries and Insomnia
- Air Pollution and Lung Health
Issue 3: TSGQ News – November 2010
- Men’s Health
- OSA & Diabetes
- Sleep and Driving
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Issue 2: TSGQ News – October 2010
- Sleep Deprivation and Depression
- Cognitive Function after Sleep Deprivation
- Pulmonary Function and Diabetes
Issue 1: TSGQ News – September 2010
- OSA & Cardiomyopathy
- Sleep Disorders & Stroke
- Asthma & FeNO Testing