Mo’vember – The Game of Mo’s Finale

07 Dec Mo’vember – The Game of Mo’s Finale

The TSGQ male workforce, aka: The Game of Mo’s have completed their mo-challenge.  The two in-house mo’wards categories separated the men into two groups: Hirsute and non-hirsute.

Each and every man grew, styled and wore their moustache with pride throughout November and while some could not reach for the razor fast enough on December 1st, some are still with their mo today.

The team did a great job raising money together with a total of $590 donated to change the face of means health.  Riley Forbes was the team’s top fundraiser with $173.

In house awards were voted by the female staff members (and the male who’s fiancé forbade him to partake).  The winner for most hirsute Mo went to Trent Segal and non-hirsute went to Mark Russell-Pavier – congratulations.

For those that didn’t get the chance to make it into the clinic to see the final products, below are a few pictures of the team members.

Thank you everyone who participated, donated, encouraged and supported this cause during Mo’vember.