Preventing Chronic Insomnia – information from the Sleep Health Foundation

14 Feb Preventing Chronic Insomnia – information from the Sleep Health Foundation

The Sleep Health Foundation is a trusted source for sleep related information. With insomnia being one of if not the most common sleep disorder, we thought we would see what information the Sleep Health Foundation has available. They describe the 3P’s model of how chronic insomnia can develop and become an ongoing problem. Also, they do point out that we can all have a bad night from time to time, and that we can have short term insomnia (acute insomnia). If this insomnia is being caused by an external factors eg personal tragedy, large study load, bush fires, this is known as situational insomnia. While acute insomnia is common and a normal response at times, we do need to be mindful of this progressing into a more serious chronic long term insomnia.

Please have a read of this article, or share it with your friends/family who may find it useful; it’s an easy and informative read: