06 Nov Mo’vember – Stop Men Dying too Young
Men are facing a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. They are dying too young, before their time. We’re taking action and we need your help.
Below is a link to the Mo’vember page:
Doing Mo’vember means raising funds for men’s health. And growing a Mo is your chance to do just that. Start clean shaven, grow throughout the month, and get some serious funds behind the men who need it most.
Here at TSGQ, we are “The Game of Mo’s”. The entire male workforce have joined the cause… except one, who’s fiancé said Mo, he fought valiantly but eventually succumbed to the pressure of her thumb… There will be two Mo’wards given out for the best and for the mo’st stylish of mo’s. If thats not Mo’tivation enough, Dr Scott has even signed up for the cause, and we must say he is off to an early lead with his mo’st stylish and sporting upper lip!
You can support our mo’ustache journey with the following link: