24 Jul Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder
Description: Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSWPD) is a circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder characterised by late bedtime and waking on most days with delay of usually > 2 hours in relation to conventional or desired times.
Prevalence: Its prevalence is unknown in the general population but is highest in adolescents and young adults (7%-16% reported prevalence). Circadian rhythm is chronically and persistently delayed due to genetic, biological, and/or psychosocial factors.
Risk factors:
- age (highest in adolescents and young adults) (7%-16% reported prevalence)
- environmental factors, including: reduced light exposure in morning, excessive light exposure in evening
- shift work
- travel with time zone changes
Behavioural factors:
- excessive intake of caffeine or other stimulants
- school avoidance
- family dysfunction
- social maladjustment
- personal, social, and occupational activities that continue late into the evening
- medical conditions, including traumatic brain injury causing disruption of circadian rhythm systems
Associated conditions
- insomnia
- psychiatric disorders (such as substance abuse, mood disorders [such as bipolar disorder] or anxiety)
- non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder
- seasonal affective disorder
- obsessive compulsive disorder
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- autism spectrum disorders
International Classification of Sleep Disorders – Third Edition diagnostic criteria includes all of the following:
- presence of significant delay in falling asleep and waking up on desired schedule as reported by patient or caregiver
- presence of symptoms for ≥ 3 months
- improvement of sleep quality and duration with delayed timing of sleep when patient chooses schedule
- confirmation of delay in sleep period by ≥ 7 day (preferably ≥ 14 day) sleep log, and, if possible, actigraphy monitoring; including work/school days and free days
- sleep disturbance not better explained by: another current sleep disorder, medical or neurological disorder, mental disorder, medication use, and substance use disorder
Testing overview
- sleep logs and/or actigraphy evaluating sleep schedules over ≥ 7 consecutive days (preferably ≥ 14 days) are primary diagnostic tool
- standardized chronotype questionnaires suggested to assess morningness or eveningness preference
- polysomnography not routinely indicated or required for diagnosis, but may be useful to exclude other sleep disorders when suspected
- circadian phase markers (such as dim light melatonin onset) not routinely suggested but may be useful for determining the optimal timing of treatment
- Advise all patients on general sleep hygiene measures.
- The usual treatment involves altering entraining signals and maintaining regular sleep-wake times.
- Chronotherapy involves incrementally delaying the sleep schedule until the desired sleep schedule is reached.
- Strategically timed melatonin is suggested in most patients
- Light therapy: involves a combination of bright light upon awakening and evening light restriction
- Combination therapy is often employed and involves bright light plus melatonin, sleep scheduling, or cognitive behavioural therapy.
National Library of Medicine, or “Vancouver style” (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors):
- DynaMed Plus [Internet]. Ipswich (MA): EBSCO Information Services. 1995 – . Record No. 114220, Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder; [updated 2017 Oct 03, Brisbane Australia 15/05/2018. Available from http://www.dynamed.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=DynaMed&id=114220.