06 Jul Can Traditional Chinese medicine be as effective as western medicine?
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originates from the 1400 BC. Despite scepticism surrounding certain aspects of the practice, many modernised medications are supported by or derived from TCM. While safety and efficacy of treatments are a major concern in western medicine, active compounds in traditional medicines are often exploited and optimised for applications in western medicine. With historical usage essentially being argued as a safety trial, can TCM really be as effective and safe as western medicines in specific applications?
An article on “medicalxpress” investigates this link and lack of understanding between these two schools of healthcare philosophy, investigating Yu Ping Feng, a now patented formula of herbal supplements thought to boost the immune system and used commonly for children with respiratory infections. The study was based on a large-scale randomised control trial, praised as the “gold standard of clinical studies” which included 351 children with respiratory tract infections (RTIs).
“The strength of our study lies in its rigorous design. It is the largest multicentre study to prove that YPF, a TCM, can be as effective as an allopathic drug in treating RRTIs.” – Prof. Rong Ma, who led this study along with Prof. Shen.
The study concludes that it effectively cemented the value of using Yu Ping Feng as a treatment for RTIs in children. The article concludes with a statement from Dr. Julian L. Allen, an Associate Editor at Paediatric Investigation:
“Just because we don’t understand how a drug works, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work. This well-designed RCT could be an important step in addressing western scepticism surrounding TCM and reaping the benefits of its holistic effects.”
Read more here: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-07-traditional-chinese-medicine-effective-recurrent.html
Some further reading:
Baoping Xu et al, Safety and efficacy of Yupingfeng granules in children with recurrent respiratory tract infection: A randomized clinical trial, Pediatric Investigation (2022). DOI: 10.1002/ped4.12326
Cynara S. Leon et al, Lost in translation: Evaluating traditional Chinese medicine by western standards, Pediatric Investigation (2022). DOI: 10.1002/ped4.12327