06 Dec Sleepiness, the workplace, driving, reporting to GPs and motivation
Asleep on the job. Costs of Inadequate Sleep in Australia. A Deloitte report commissioned by the Sleep Health Foundation.
This is the third report (2003, 2010, 2017) commissioned by the Sleep Health Foundation which focuses on the cost of sleep disorders and/or poor sleep.
40% of people have insufficient sleep in Australia, the causes of inadequate sleep can also overlap:
- Sleep disorders
- Other health conditions (obesity, anxiety, depression, pain, breathlessness and medications)
- Lifestyle/behavioural factors (sleep hygiene, circadian disruption eg: Jet Lag
Occupations of concern: defence, transport, health and professional drivers (23% of motor vehicle accidents caused by inadequate sleep)
Key findings: The total cost of inadequate sleep in Australia was estimated to be $66.3 billion in 2016-17, comprising $26.2 billion in financial costs and $40.1 billion in the loss of wellbeing. This equates to approximately $8,968 per person affected in both financial and wellbeing costs.
The Recommendations include:
- Encouraging prevention and early detection
- Enhancing development and implementation of cost-effective treatment for sleep problems
- Reducing smoking, obesity and other lifestyle causes of daytime sleepiness
- Raising awareness of the importance of sleep hygiene
- Occupational health and safety regulations that reduce circadian rhythm disruption from shift work and fatigue from excessive work hours – possibly including restrictions on driving without adequate sleep beforehand
- Education about the benefits of switching away from blue light on screens at night