Sleep deprivation’s big effect on placekeeping. A lot of research has focused on the ill effects of not obtaining enough sleep... 26 November, 2019
Spectral Fingerprint of Sleep Problems in People with PTSD. When performing polysomnography tests, there are specific electrode placements to show specific brain wave activity... 20 November, 2019
Australian Doctor News reports that Medicares sleep apnoea assessments are deeply flawed On the 27th May 2019, Mr Anthony Scholefield posted an article to the AusDoc website... 28 May, 2019
Is near enough good enough? How reliable is your sleep study data and analysis? Is every sleep study the same? Are results from home sleep studies as accurate as... 27 November, 2018
STOP-BANG & The Epworth Sleepiness Scale For Referrals containing these questionnaires, follow this link: STOP-BANG The STOP-BANG screening tool has become a well-known... 26 October, 2018
Changes to Medicare item numbers for Thoracic and Sleep Medicine As of 1st November 2018, MBS items for Thoracic medicine (sleep studies and Respiratory function... 26 October, 2018
Not all home sleep studies are the same Portable sleep testing for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) Sleep studies use a polysomnogram... 24 July, 2018