Nitric Oxide and the Paranasal Sinuses: NO testing is an essential accompaniment to spirometry. The discovery within the paranasal sinuses for the production of nitric oxide (NO) has altered... 09 March, 2016
Cerebral haemodynamics is altered in patients with sleep apnoea/hypopnea syndrome According to recent epidemiologic studies, patients with sleep apnoea/hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) are at increased risk... 09 March, 2016
Hungry for Sleep: A Role for Endocannabinoids? Inadequate sleep, both in quality and quantity, has been associated with increased body weight and... 08 March, 2016
How Much Sleep is Normal ? Seven and up: Optimize your health with 7 hours of sleep or more each night! Perhaps... 08 March, 2016
Asthma: Half of children diagnosed with the respiratory disease may not have it, study suggests UK: More than half of the children being treated for asthma might not actually have the... 03 March, 2016
Sleep Munchies: Why It’s Harder To Resist Snacks When We’re Tired There's lots of evidence that getting too little sleep is associated with overeating and an... 03 March, 2016
Good night’s sleep and exercise cut stroke risk: researchers Getting a good night's sleep and exercising several times a week can significantly cut the... 03 March, 2016
European Lung Foundation Rare Disease Day 2016 Message from Dan Smyth, Chair of the European Lung Foundation: Today is Rare Disease Day, a... 01 March, 2016
Blood eosinophils and inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β-2 agonist efficacy in COPD Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are an important treatment for COPD. Exacerbations, defined as acute worsening of... 08 February, 2016
Statins might prevent vascular inflammation in sleep apnoea Statins reduced complement-related vascular inflammation in patients with obstructive sleep apnea, according to research published... 08 February, 2016