Insomnia in the older population. Insomnia is a very prevalent sleep disorder amongst older adults, and can be described as... 16 May, 2024
Associations between and sleep disorders and mental health The association between mental health and the presence of a sleep disorder has been well... 25 October, 2023
Insomnia disorder increases the risk of subjective memory decline in middle-aged and older adults: a longitudinal analysis Key takeaways: Subjective memory complaints often precede the onset of mild cognitive impairment and dementia. ... 31 March, 2023
Co-morbid Insomnia and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea as a potential predictor of Suicide and Self-harm Insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) are the two most common sleep disorders and frequently... 20 July, 2022
You may enjoy comedy more when you are tired! Recently Sanz-Arigita et al published an article in the Journal of Sleep that sought to... 01 April, 2021
Refined carbs may trigger insomnia in women One prospective cohort study was performed recently at the Columbia University, which hypothesised that a... 14 February, 2020
Preventing Chronic Insomnia – information from the Sleep Health Foundation The Sleep Health Foundation is a trusted source for sleep related information. With insomnia being... 14 February, 2020
Depression prevention via digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia: a randomized controlled trial. Prevalence rates for both depression and insomnia have increased over the years with insomnia being... 31 October, 2019
Really worried about your sleep? Orthsomnia – the unhealthy worry about sleep While we in the sleep clinic think about sleep a lot. Well, all day really.... 09 September, 2019
Chronic Pain and Sleep Sleep Disturbance – An article from the Institute for Chronic Pain (USA) Original article: The... 26 August, 2019