Are imaginary friends keeping your kids up at night? Getting children to go to sleep is difficult at the best of times, but it... 19 April, 2018
Damp housing, gas stoves, and the burden of childhood asthma in Australia Several indoor environmental risk factors can be associated with allergy and asthma prevalence. Combustion, the... 19 April, 2018
Novel treatment for insomnia Note: the device in the image above is not likely to have been used in... 16 April, 2018
CAsT YOUR EYES OVER THIS! Ocular signs of Sleep Apnoea It is well known that sleep apnoea, a potentially serious disorder, can lead to many systemic... 11 April, 2018
Somnox robot sleep pillow Having trouble getting to sleep? There is a new robot pillow called the Somnox which... 10 April, 2018
Insomnia – ABC radio segment; Focus with Emma Griffiths Working here in the sleep lab, we are no strangers to staying awake at night.... 09 April, 2018
Normal values for childrens night-time sleep Ever wondered if your child is sleeping too short or too long at night? Parents... 04 April, 2018
Potential Genetic risk factor for SIDS Sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, is the leading cause of infant death in high-income... 04 April, 2018
Measles Alert in Brisbane Measles is an acute, highly infectious illness caused by the measles virus. Measles can cause... 28 March, 2018
Asthma puffers likely contributing to climate change A recent news article written by Brett Montgomery, a senior lecturer in General Practice at... 28 March, 2018