Accelerated Silicosis — An Emerging Epidemic Associated with Engineered Stone The systematic review by Leso et al. (16 February 2019) identifies the lack of quality... 25 November, 2019
Prison violence reduced by giving the inmates… Earplugs? An article recently published in the Mirror UK reports on the decreased acts of violence... 20 November, 2019
Spectral Fingerprint of Sleep Problems in People with PTSD. When performing polysomnography tests, there are specific electrode placements to show specific brain wave activity... 20 November, 2019
Deep sleep relieves anxiety. Sleep has many restorative features and ensuring we get good sleep, both in amount of... 12 November, 2019
Bedtime Procrastination – a time use survey study. Maintaining healthy sleep habits are crucial for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, a lot of... 08 November, 2019
Doctors at odds over value of vaping, as study finds it’s just as harmful as cigarettes Vaping is just as harmful to human health as cigarettes, and even has the potential... 06 November, 2019
Nonsurgical treatment options effective for sinus issues For sufferers of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), surgery is often the only treatment option due to... 06 November, 2019
Depression prevention via digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia: a randomized controlled trial. Prevalence rates for both depression and insomnia have increased over the years with insomnia being... 31 October, 2019
Link between sleep and overall good health A new study indicates that poor sleep can negatively affect your gut microbiome, which can,... 29 October, 2019
Case study: The importance of Complex Pulmonary Function Test versus Spirometry alone An 84-year-old never-smoker (PHx passive smoke exposure) presented with mild shortness of breath. Mild SOB,... 29 October, 2019