What is the best position to sleep in? People sleep in all different positions, many on their front, others on their side and... 05 July, 2018
Why am I always tired? Nine common causes of fatigue The week.co.uk recently listed 9 common causes of fatigue. We see a few of these... 04 July, 2018
Assessment of obstructive sleep apnoea treatment success or failure after maxillomandibular advancement Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) is an alternative therapeutic option that may be effective for treating obstructive... 27 June, 2018
Establishing normal values for paediatric night time sleep measured by actigraphy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Galland et al. recently conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on paediatric publications which used... 27 June, 2018
Gut microbes fighting influenza A particular gut microbe can prevent severe flu infections in mice by breaking down flavonoids... 27 June, 2018
Effects of obstructive sleep apnoea and its treatment over the erectile function: a systematic review Erectile dysfunction (ED) is considered a condition with a broad range of etiologies. Obstructive sleep... 27 June, 2018
Cyan Light Technology – A Sleep Aid? The journal of Sleep recently published a paper by Allen et al. looking at the... 25 June, 2018
Nightmare Disorder Many people suffer from nightmare disorder, also known as dream anxiety disorder, where sleep is... 21 June, 2018
Sleep disorder or Smartphone Disorder? When I read this headline, I just had to stop and read what it was... 21 June, 2018
Light Exposure during sleep may increase Insulin Resistance A recent abstract published in the journal of sleep has investigated the effect of artificial... 18 June, 2018