Will chronic e-cigarette use cause lung disease? Chronic tobacco smoking is a major cause of preventable morbidity and mortality worldwide. The effects... 24 April, 2018
“My teenager sleeps all weekend”… Perhaps they are just catching up on sleep! Galland et al. recently conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on paediatric publications which used... 23 April, 2018
Pharmacological therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea It is well established that during obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) the upper airway collapses, obstructing... 23 April, 2018
Effect of Nasal Continuous Positive Pressure on the Nostrils of Patients with Sleep Apnoea Syndrome and no Previous Nasal Pathology. Predictive Factors for Compliance. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the first line treatment for sleep apnoea and the... 23 April, 2018
Pathophysiology Idiopathic Hypersomnolence Defined Previously characterised by hypersomnolence with sleep drunkenness (Billiard & Sonka, 2016), the “unique symptomatology” demonstrated... 23 April, 2018
Gut microbes fighting influenza A particular gut microbe can prevent severe flu infections in mice by breaking down flavonoids... 20 April, 2018
Online sleep calculator Many of today's pressures mean we don’t let ourselves get enough sleep. What can be... 20 April, 2018
Are imaginary friends keeping your kids up at night? Getting children to go to sleep is difficult at the best of times, but it... 19 April, 2018
Damp housing, gas stoves, and the burden of childhood asthma in Australia Several indoor environmental risk factors can be associated with allergy and asthma prevalence. Combustion, the... 19 April, 2018
Novel treatment for insomnia Note: the device in the image above is not likely to have been used in... 16 April, 2018