TIPS FOR FALLING ASLEEP (Part 1) One of the best known exercises for falling sleep is counting sheep. It is very... 23 October, 2017
The effect of the ‘24/7 society’ on sleep is profound. In today’s world we are always on! For example, New York ‘the city that never... 23 October, 2017
Before you post your pic on Tinder… think twice and get some sleep! One article published in Royal Society Open Science evaluated “the negative effects of restricted sleep... 06 October, 2017
Periodic Limb Movements During Sleep Mimicking REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder: A New Form of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (Gaig et al 2016) Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is clinically characterized by... 05 October, 2017
Transient Ischemic Attack and OSA. Schipper et al. recently investigated the occurrence of OSA in high risk patients with a... 05 October, 2017
Congratulations to the Queens Birthday Competition Winners! 1st Prize: Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Dr Rajan Dalsania 2nd Prize: Bose wireless headphones Dr Tapan Patel 3rd Prize:... 05 October, 2017
Do those cool new sleep apps work?? Yes and no. Depends on what you use it for. Yes they can help, but... 03 October, 2017
What is your sleep environment like? Want a better way to start to understand why you may be feeling tired during... 03 October, 2017
How to combat Jet Lag! Any time you travel across time zones you may feel sleepy and sluggish. For most... 03 October, 2017
Chronic Fatigue and Immune System Deficiency Is there a connection between stress of chronic fatigue and a dysfunctional immune system? Research... 03 October, 2017