Long term oral appliance therapy improves daytime function and mood in Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome patients Mandibular advancement splints (MAS) are a type of oral appliance used to treat obstructive sleep... 10 January, 2019
Acute sleep deprivation and culpable motor vehicle crash involvement Brian C Tefft recently published a paper in the Journal of Sleep to help quantify... 10 January, 2019
The Economic Cost of Inadequate Sleep The financial and non-financial costs associated with inadequate sleep are substantial. In the August edition... 10 January, 2019
Eosinophilic Airway Inflammation in Asthma and COPD Asthma and COPD are prevalent chronic inflammatory airway diseases that are responsible for significant burden... 10 January, 2019
Do you have COPD and plan to travel over the holidays? Latshang et al. recently published an article in the Journal of Sleep that looked at... 10 December, 2018
How to get to sleep… the Night before Christmas! From Dr Andrew Scott and the team here at the Wesley Hospital Sleep Disorders Centre... 05 December, 2018
Obstructive sleep apnoea as a cause of metabolic dysfunction and type 2 Diabetes Insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) are more prevalent in patients with type 2 diabetes... 27 November, 2018
Craniofacial Phenotyping in Chinese and Caucasian Patients With Sleep Apnea: Influence of Ethnicity and Sex In clinical practice, it is not always a clinical history of symptomatic OSA that provides... 27 November, 2018
Asthma associated with boy’s childhood fractures The largest study of its type in the world has confirmed that asthma is associated... 27 November, 2018
Is near enough good enough? How reliable is your sleep study data and analysis? Is every sleep study the same? Are results from home sleep studies as accurate as... 27 November, 2018