Is sleep apnoea breaking your heart this Valentines day? We know all too well the damage untreated OSA can do to the body, we... 15 February, 2018
Wesley CPAP Clinic Not all auto-titrating CPAP machines are the same!! TSGQ use only clinically validated auto-CPAP machines... 13 February, 2018
Sleep, how long have you gone without it? ABC radio show: Focus with Emma Griffiths Recently, our very own Phil Teuwen was invited into the ABC studios to talk about... 08 February, 2018
Influenza surveillance report (USA) The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published their surveillance report on the... 05 February, 2018
Pharmacological therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea It is well established that during obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) the upper airway collapses, obstructing... 01 February, 2018
Breathing disturbances without hypoxia are associated with objective sleepiness in sleep apnea Kock et al from the department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Medicine at Stanford University Center... 01 February, 2018
Idiopathic Hypersomnolence and Cerebral Blood Flow Idiopathic hypersomnolence (IH) is a central hypersomnia characterised by pathological sleepiness and confusional arousal. Research... 01 February, 2018
Sleep apnoea and pesticide exposure Pesticide misuse, and subsequent overexposure has gone unchecked in recent decades, despite efforts by organisations... 01 February, 2018
Future drug treatment for OSA ? It is well established that during obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) the upper airway collapses, obstructing... 25 January, 2018
Crank those tunes and get some sleep! As a society we seem to be sleeping less and less these days. With portable... 17 January, 2018