Making healthy choices: Soluble Fibre can control Asthma Australian researchers have carried out an investigation which has found proof that soluble fibre can... 15 November, 2017
Saved by the bell! What time should school start? The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) are possibly the most... 10 November, 2017
Coffee naps Have you heard of coffee naps? As a sleep scientist, I have had a lot... 10 November, 2017
Here’s why swimming is good for asthmatic kids For some, an asthma attack feels as though an elephant is sitting on their chest,... 09 November, 2017
Have you watched yourself snore?? It may help… If you do snore or stop breathing in your sleep and have ever watched a... 09 November, 2017
Electronic CPAP data management – Implications for management, privacy and medico-legal issues. Technology has seen improvements in the amount and types of data CPAP machines record and... 09 November, 2017
To Let Sleeping Dogs Lie? It has been reported that a substantial number of people have their pets in the... 06 November, 2017
Mo’vember – Stop Men Dying too Young Men are facing a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. They are dying too... 06 November, 2017
A Change to the Modern Day Hippocratic Oath A Change to the Modern Day Hippocratic Oath Dr Sam Hazledine, a Kiwi doctor proposed, and... 06 November, 2017
Evaluating Longterm Mandibular Advancement Splint Responders Background: Mandibular advancement splint (MAS) are an improving therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Evaluating... 06 November, 2017