Relax Your Brain Competition 2019 Have you seen our recent competition entry form in your clinic? The first prize is... 11 October, 2019
Altering brain waves shifts the balance from learning to forgetting. There have been many studies showing the importance of sleep in relation to memory consolidation.... 09 October, 2019
Increased brain activity requires more sleep than low brain activity. Ever felt more tired after a strenuous day than a lazy day? There’s new research... 18 September, 2019
Fitness to Drive… Driving Tired? Commentary on An Objective Measure of Drowsy Driving: Are We There Yet? Recent studies, which included... 17 September, 2019
Do Dreams Affect How Well You Sleep? Many people ask if dreaming has a relationship with the sleep quality, the National Sleep... 17 September, 2019
Tau protein found in Alzheimer’s disease linked to excessive daytime somnolence. There has been a lot of research in both areas of sleep related issues and... 10 September, 2019
8 Reasons you’re waking up in the middle of the night Have you ever experienced falling asleep quickly, but then wake up repeatedly throughout the night?... 10 September, 2019
Really worried about your sleep? Orthsomnia – the unhealthy worry about sleep While we in the sleep clinic think about sleep a lot. Well, all day really.... 09 September, 2019
Temperature modulation of Dream sleep An interesting article was recently published on the ScienceDaily website discussing research about lengthening our... 03 September, 2019
Why sleeping at work could actually make you better at your job? One topic that can be controversial for some people is the opportunity to get a... 02 September, 2019