Dream Genes A recent study from the RIKEN Centre in Japan has just isolated two genes which... 02 November, 2018
A device that can boost your sleep quality… For a long time we have known that our bodies absolutely need 7-9 hours of... 31 October, 2018
Does food affect your dreams? Do you think this ghoulish burger can give you nightmares? In the USA, BURGER King, the fast-food chain, claims its Halloween burger will literally give... 31 October, 2018
Sleep Technologists Appreciation Week Did you know it is the Sleep Technologists appreciation week? The theme of this years week... 29 October, 2018
Silicosis: Killer Lung Dust Disease An increase in the number of terminal silicosis cases in the last few months has... 18 October, 2018
Testing your lungs: spirometry A spirometry test measures how healthy your lungs are and can be used to help... 17 October, 2018
Summer Sleep Hacks Summer is fast approaching and the last of the cool nights will soon be gone... 15 October, 2018
Griffith University: Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Commendations; Recognising Griffith Excellence Griffith University closely monitor their students’ experiences of teaching and courses in order to identify and... 15 October, 2018
Blood Test for Drowsy Driving Researchers have developed a blood screening test which identifies signs of acute total sleep loss.... 11 October, 2018
A chinstrap alone will treat Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea = FAKE NEWS! Medical and health information is easily available online for the general population and the wider... 11 October, 2018