Summer Sleep Hacks Summer is fast approaching and the last of the cool nights will soon be gone... 15 October, 2018
Griffith University: Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Commendations; Recognising Griffith Excellence Griffith University closely monitor their students’ experiences of teaching and courses in order to identify and... 15 October, 2018
Blood Test for Drowsy Driving Researchers have developed a blood screening test which identifies signs of acute total sleep loss.... 11 October, 2018
A chinstrap alone will treat Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea = FAKE NEWS! Medical and health information is easily available online for the general population and the wider... 11 October, 2018
Be aware of the impacts of daylight savings on your level of drowsiness. Recently the clocks wound forward in some states when daylight savings started last Sunday. Some... 10 October, 2018
The effect of self-reported daily sleep duration on high-level cognitive abilities Most people will at some point experience not getting enough sleep over a period of... 08 October, 2018
Why Do Some Adults Suddenly Develop hay fever? Hay fever is an allergy to pollens - the male reproductive parts of plants -... 05 October, 2018
How often you should wash your bed sheets, according to a microbiologist — and what happens when you don’t As a person who looks very closely at people who suffer from Asthma and Sleep... 05 October, 2018
8 Reasons you’re waking up in the middle of the night Have you ever experience that you fall asleep quickly, but wake up repeatedly throughout the... 05 October, 2018
Sleep Awareness Week! Is your morning jolt of caffeine masking a sleep problem? It’s Sleep Awareness Week 2018! This year the Sleep Health Foundation is posing the question: Is... 05 October, 2018