Low vitamin D levels may be associated with scarring lung disease Reviewing medical information gathered on more than 6,000 adults over a 10-year period, Johns Hopkins... 13 June, 2019
Know anyone obsessed with their sleep tracking apps? Baron et al. have coined the disorder “Orthosomnia” with “ortho” meaning straight or correct, and... 12 June, 2019
Big Brother or a Constant Support? Big Brother or a Constant Support? How often do you feel like you need that extra... 04 June, 2019
Jetlag… the fight after a long flight Jennifer Wong from ABC Life recently published a nice, easy to read article on jetlag.... 04 June, 2019
Chronic sleep restriction greatly magnifies performance decrements immediately after awakening. Sleep inertia (the grogginess feeling that one feels immediately after waking) is usually expected and... 03 June, 2019
Children’s noses hold clues to serious lung infections, study shows Tiny organisms in a child's nose could offer clues to improving the diagnosis and treatment... 28 May, 2019
Adverse childhood experiences affect sleep duration for up to 50 years later. In the never ending quest to discover more about sleep and sleep related issues, recent... 22 May, 2019
New treatment approach for allergic asthma A potential new treatment for asthma that works by targeting the cause of the disease,... 21 May, 2019
Flu cases in Australia three times higher than previous year – Are you vaccinated? Health experts are warning Australia is on track for a killer flu season, with numbers... 14 May, 2019
Sleeping better after retirement? Myllyntausta et al. have had their study manuscript accepted by the Journal of sleep (7/5/2019).... 13 May, 2019