Study sheds new light on asthma copd "The new study lays the groundwork for developing treatments for diseases such as asthma, COPD,... 13 December, 2015
Heavy snoring and sleep apnoea may signal earlier memory and thinking decline "Abnormal breathing patterns during sleep such as heavy snoring and sleep apnoea are common in... 13 December, 2015
Pulmonary rehabilitation should include sleep assessment The recommendation comes after the team, from UC San Diego in California, USA, found that... 13 December, 2015
Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus mers cov infection and precautions for Australia MERS-CoV infection has been diagnosed in over 1,300 cases worldwide, with 85% of cases recorded... 13 December, 2015
Taking a nap while on the job might help workers be more productive new research suggests A University of Michigan study found power naps or extended breaks during the day could... 13 December, 2015
Poor sleep habits can have a negative effect on self control In a study titled "Interactions between Sleep Habits and Self-Control," Clemson psychologists concluded a sleep-deprived... 13 December, 2015
AASM & ADSM rule on new oral appliance therapy clinical guidelines The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine have recently... 13 December, 2015
Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Health Adult. Joint consensus statement of the american academy of sleep medicine and sleep research society on... 13 December, 2015
GINA releases paper summarising its new strategy a roadmap to asthma control Previous clinical asthma guidelines have had poor uptake and these new guidelines have been specifically... 13 December, 2015
PreModern People don’t get more zzzz’s than we do! It's tempting to believe that people these days aren't getting enough sleep, living as we... 09 January, 2015