A time to sleep and a time to eat… Circadian rhythms are often referred to as our natural “body clocks”, and to an extent... 25 October, 2016
November 16, 2016 – World COPD Day Awareness Events Get involved in World COPD Day to raise awareness about the symptoms, risk factors and... 21 October, 2016
New Mandibular Advancement Splints (MAS) in Brisbane Mandibular advancement splints (MAS) are a form of treatment for OSA. These are primarily used... 21 October, 2016
Thirsty before sleep? Do you often find yourself feeling thirsty just before bedtime? Have a routine of sipping... 21 October, 2016
Melatonin – the Dracula of hormones! Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland which is located in the centre... 17 October, 2016
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Brain White Matter Within the middle to older age group of 40-80 years, obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is... 17 October, 2016
How to Manage Shift Work and Your Social Life Working a shift schedule frequently means that people are out of sync with the normal,... 17 October, 2016
Sleep recommendations How much sleep do you need? Throughout a person’s lifespan the amount of sleep required... 17 October, 2016
Sleep Experiment The constant demands of our of 24-hour society have drastic effects on our wellbeing, not... 17 October, 2016
Are you “worried” you can’t get to sleep? The ABC did a “Sleep snapshot” a few weeks ago, and the most common problem... 17 October, 2016